Spiritual Evolution
The planet is currently changing rapidly. A wide-scale awakening and acceleration of consciousness seems to be taking place. That is however also bringing unresolved issues to the surface and increasing polarization. That will necessarily lead to integration in the long run, and the evolvement into a higher state of consciousness.
Here you will find enlightening information and a few tools here that might make things easier.
4/24/2004: Note that this page has not been actively updated for a long time. Many of the links
are unfortunately invalid now. However, it seems most useful to still keep it up, while we
figure out a new format for keeping it current.
Some items of interest
The Rules for being Human
Infinite Games - A vision of life as play and possibility.
The Conscious Explorer - About 200 enlightening philosophical essays by Amos Jessup.
Federation Flash by Starbuilders.
Alternate Realities - Lucid Dreaming, OOB, various links.
Meditation FAQ
Three Gates Meditation - by Ned Hamson.
Tyme Remembered - (5) channeled meditations.
Lyssa Royal home page - (20+) Prism of Lyra, Visitors from Within. Many full transcripts.
Pleiadians - Channeling by Barbara Marciniak.
Learning to Channel - by Lori Tostado.
The Pathway of Light - channeled by Ronna Herman
Fragments of your Higher Self - channeled by Ronna Herman.
12:12 1994 - The Gateway to Freedom. 12 December 1994.
The Alexander Material - (10) channeled books and tapes.
Zetatalk - (20+) channelings from the Zeta Reticuli.
Elan's Home away from Home Page - Conversations with an Extraterrestrial.
Personal Development
Instantaneous Transformation - (12) Ariel & Shya Kane.
Transformational Processing - a system of personal development.
Avatar - personal development system.
Telepathy Seminar - by Bill Robertson.
Global Change
The Hundredth Monkey - how to affect global changes.
Planetary Breakthrough - by C.B.Willis.
Healing Energies on the Internet - by shaman Don Pedro.
Joyfire - healing and spiritual change.
How to see and read auras
Mystic Gateway - holistic, personal healing.
Remote Viewing
The Farsight Institute - (50+) Remote viewing
Superpowers of the Human Biomind - (100+) Remote viewing, Ingo Swann
Alternate Realities - Lucid Dreaming, OOB, various links.
Advanced Technology
Biological and Bioactive Electronic Holoforms - Bob Dratch's pollution clearing coils
KeelyNet - Alternative science
Light Technologies - free energy, etc.
Summum - (15+) Beyond the boundaries of science
Occult, Wicca
Covenant of the Goddess - Wicca.
UFOs, Aliens
Searchnet - UFOs, sacred geometry, new science.
Galactic Central - (30) UFOs, other dimensions.
Major Spiritual Web Sites
Spirit WWW (500+) Rene Mueller. Very recommended. New age, aliens, alternative health, etc.
New Heaven New Earth - organizations, ideas giving birth to a new way of life on the planet.
School of Wisdom - the knowledge behind the knowledge.
Motherheart - a gift of nurturing.
The Web Weaver - spirituality and consciousness.
The Noosphere - (200) connected consciousness.
Legions of Light - the Lights of the Round Table.
Interesting places
World Transformation - (1000+) home page.
Solara - Star-Borne home page
The Works of Gerardus - (20+) metaphysical compositions. Poetry.
Angelnet - Welcome to Heaven.
Project Mind Foundation - - freeing the human spirit from the crushing illusion of materialism.
The Findhorn Foundation - a spiritual community in Scotland.
Ekone Ranch - good spirits, healing.
Wolf Creek Productions - (20+) personal empowerment.
Earth Shift! - mass dreams of the future.
Spirit over Mind over Matter (100+)
Waking World - Jean Houston, mystery school.
Celestine Prophecy discussion
Friends of Osho - Bhagwan Rajnesh.
Stillpoint - Zen
Jenny Gable - Skywind. Psychic poetry.
Share International - Maitreya.
Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
Human Awareness Institute
- (20) Creating a world where everyone wins.
Earth Portals - (10+) transformation of consciousness.
The Lighthouse Online - (30+) Marina McInnis.
Glen Little - (50+) Bahá'í Faith.
The Cosmic Home Page - (60+) new age.
The Open Mind Forum - (30+) Michael Gradman, spiritual.
NY Open Center - (20+) holistic learning, health, consciousness.
Worldlight Center - (10+)
Millennium Matters - (30+) repository for all things millennial.
Feng Shui - Chinese geomancy.
Interlude - (50+) a space to renew the spirit.
White Mountain Education Association - (30+) "A Source for the Ageless Wisdom"
The Essence of Reality - (20+) "Clear Awarenes: How Life Works" Transmissions from Quantum Time - mindblowing!!
Alien Trade - another wild place.
Jor-El's World - Conscious Evolution
"The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield
"Illusions" by Richard Bach
"The Prism of Lyra" by Lyssa Royal
"Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak
"The Starborne - a remembrance for the awakened ones" by Solara
All Carlos Castaneda books, starting with "The Teachings of Don Juan"
"Finite and Infinite Games" by James Carse.
Books on-line
The Truth - the universe is a growing god - on-line book by Cyril James Skidmore.
Bindu Films
LightWorks Video
New Frontier - magazine of transformation.
Connecting Link: $24/year. 9392 Whitneyville Rd, Alto, Michigan 49302-9694. 616/891-0410.
The Positive Times: $14/year. Box 244, W.Stockbridge, MA 01266. 413/698-3344
Miracles - The Power of Love in Action: $21.99/year. PO Box 418, Santa Fe, NM 87504-0418. 505/989-3656.
The Share Guide - holistic health, personal growth.
Dromenon - mystery schools, Jean Houston.
Magical Blend

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