
On the surface it appears that processing is dealing with words and concepts and questions and answers and thoughts and meanings, i.e. mental stuff. And indeed, mental processes are mostly what we are working with or through. But our target is really something deeper.

We are working with energy. We are expanding the person's ability to handle energies and we are freeing up stuck energies in her space.

The universe is made of energy. Just about anything in life can be described as energy phenomena happening in space. That goes for the physical reality as well as for emotional, mental, and spiritual realities. Reality is energy in space.

The energies in the universe are naturally flowing and moving all the time. The universe is dynamic. The natural state of anything inside the universe is moving and flowing.

The energies that a person is utilizing in life are also naturally moving and flowing. Trouble enters when energies are blocked and don't move.

If energy flow is blocked energy will start accumulating in the spot where it is blocked. That is just like if you build a dam in the middle of a river. The water would accumulate and form a stationary lake.

Stationary accumulated energy becomes potential flow instead of actual flow. It no longer flows, but it could, if it was given a channel to flow in. This potential energy is what we call a "charge" when we are talking about the mind. A particular energy accumulation suspended in space we often call a "ridge" or standing wave.

If more energy accumulates in one place it gets more dense. The more unflowing energy you put in, or the smaller the space is, the denser the energy will be. Physically speaking, matter is condensed energy. Similarly in a person's etheric space. Densely accumulated energy will appear to have mass and weight. We sometimes call such condensed energy "mass".

In the practice of processing we target the accumulated energy that isn't flowing. We work on getting the energy to flow again. The "mass" will then apparently disappear. Really what happens is that the energy flows again and it no longer appears in the form of a mass or a charged area, but simply as dynamic flows.

The patter in a session and the ritual of different techniques are simply means of bringing up the person's energy phenomena and getting her to free up the areas that are stuck.

The specific words that the facilitator or the client say are not important in themselves. The object of a session is not to somehow get the precise wording for what is wrong with her. The various random thoughts and worries she has aren't terribly important either.

What is important is what the client's statements, expressions, and reactions point to. Namely the underlying energy structures. It is those energy structures we wish to resolve, dissolve, or change.

What might make matters confusing at first glance is that there is a deeper level than the energy phenomena, which indeed is thought. That is the level of the basic postulates and considerations a person makes. I.e. the primary creative thought that actually shapes her reality.

There is a very big difference between the primary thought of postulates and the secondary thought of one's surface thinking, reacting, figuring, worrying, hoping, guessing, etc. They might sound about the same if you put them into words, but underneath there is world of difference.

A primary thought creates your reality. There is no question about it, it isn't dependent on anything else, it is not subject to hopes and speculation. The primary thought simply says that it is so, and it is so.

The realities created by primary thought are manifested as energy phenomena. These phenomena can be perceived, measured, influenced, changed.

As a reaction to existing energy phenomena people produce all sorts of secondary phenomena. Thinking about what goes on, making pictures of it, resisting it, denying it, and so forth. That secondary stuff is mostly the stuff we are dealing with in session.

Just dealing with the secondary, surface reactions won't get us very far. Basically we would like the person to stop doing those things, so we aren't going to focus too much attention on it. There is no solution found in the surface clutter. For example, you can have endless discussions about who is right or wrong in an argument, or about how terrible some accident was, but it doesn't get anywhere unless you address the underlying structures.

We generally consider that we are making progress when we are working with the energy structure. That is, if we identify an area of stuck energy and we are working on freeing it up. That is what a process is: the gradual freeing up of stuck energy.

Once we have freed up enough energy and it starts moving then the underlying primary thought probably comes to light. And it is the changing of that primary thought that really creates the change. The faster we can get to it the better. However it is not particularly wise to poke around only for that from the beginning. It would lead you to being indecisive about the secondary thought instead of managing the process. The best way of getting to primary thought is to free up stuck energy, get it to flow again.

The more you as a facilitator can perceive that "there is something there", the better you can guide the client to improve. You need to develop a sense of when you are getting close to an energy accumulation. And you need to develop the client's own perceptions of when there is something there. Those are essentially psychic perceptions, but they are not very hard ones to develop.

You have enough other tools in transformational processing to find out what you are dealing with and to process it. You don't have to be a psychic healer to do clearing. But just a little sense of that you are on the right track will be very useful.

Our tools for dealing with energy are typically semantic. We talk about things, ask questions, rearrange what things mean and so forth. But some of our techniques address stuck energy a little more directly. We might interact with the person's body, freeing up stuck energy by direct contact rather than through language. Objective techniques are also in some ways more direct than the subjective ones. Possibly we might find other more direct ways of dealing with the energies in a person's space that circumvent the fallacies of language.

When facilitating processes you have to keep the energy moving. The rate of session activity is an indicator of that. If lots of stuff comes up and gets resolved, that indicates that energy is moving. Energy moving while we are addressing a subject is a good sign. Resolution of stuck energies is what we want, not clever explanations or bright ideas. Freed-up energy will generally lead to a resolution of the area and to the discovery of the underlying thought patterns.

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