
Deviation from the straight line. Responding, thinking, feeling, or acting in ways that aren't really aligned with what one wants.
To bring an issue into focus. The person must have attention on it and there must be something unresolved about it.
An issue or a loaded area that wasn't active has been activated, either by life or by the process facilitator. It must be activated to be resolved.
Altered state
A state of mind where one is more relaxed and flexible and open to new and different experiences.
A specific pattern or behavior or perceptual input that is associated with a certain internal state. For example, a touch on a particular part of the body might be an anchor for a certain feeling.
Associating or marking subjective states with simple patterns of behavior, such as gestures, tone of voice, etc. Used to bring back states with a simple stimulus.
The ability to let useful material pop into one's mind without having to logically know why.
Awareness Units
A fictitious quantum of awareness. It is practical to talk about how the person splits up her awareness units in different places.
The immortal spirit that is the actual person.
A stimulus that produces an involuntary non-optimum reaction in a person.
Adjusting to the feedback one is getting from the client. Changing things so that one is best in rapport.
The state of operating as if you are creating your own reality.
An energy center of the body.
The degree to which one is responsible and free from non-optimum reactions within a certain domain. Being conscious and operating at cause.
Resolving of non-optimum conditions. Locating wrong answers and blocked energy in the mind or in a person's space and releasing it.
Any person who is willing to be assisted by a process facilitator.
Exchanging tokens of meaning between separate parties. It includes focused attention, an intention to be understood, a common space, separate realities, interpretation, understanding.
Getting a satisfactory result on the issue being worked on, so that the client easily can take her attention off of it.
Responses or body language that agree about what they say.
Conscious Mind
The part of the mind that the person usually identifies with. It is where things are examined, viewed and experienced from.
The ability to start and stop things and to keep them running.
Core Incident
An incident providing a proper context for a feeling or reaction. An incident installing a certain persisting pattern. Usually a traumatic incident containing elements of unconsciousness.
Changing a frozen description of something into seeing it as a dynamic process. Changing "relationship" to "relating"
A frequency level of reality.
Any of various conversational techniques used either to establish what to work on or to resolve a subject by talking it over, seeing it from different perspectives, and finding out what it is about.
The future the person is moving towards. The trend that will be continued after the session. That is more important than what got resolved in the session itself. We also say that the facilitator gives the client directions, which are the suggestions of what to do next.
An area or division of life. Particularly used about a division of the universe into wider and wider spheres of activity, starting with the personal domain, the inter-personal domain, group domain, etc.
The state of operating as if other forces control your reality.
Effect Condition
Considering oneself being unable to be cause in some area of life. Being abused by circumstances.
The state one feels in relation to something. Energy in motion. Ideally it is a fluid way of experiencing things as fully as possible. If it becomes frozen and based on past incidents it is likely to lead to aberration.
The dynamic substance everything is made of.
A unit in the client's space that acts as a separate being and can be processed individually.
Entity Clearing
Techniques treating units of the client's reality as if they are separate beings, addressing why they are there, which makes them leave or work more harmoniously.
An occurrence is actually happening somewhere in space-time.
Practical drills and tasks done to develop skills or to explore and experience certain phenomena and learn how they work.
Perceiving something as being outside oneself.
A qualified person who assists another (the client) in going through processes of personal development.
Everything one can see, hear, or feel about the client. Not what one is guessing, but what is actually going on. The results of any previous actions.
Fixed Idea
A frozen thought in the mind functioning as a "truth" that the person will automatically act on without thinking about it. will work for the person automatically. It often is designed to give the person an advantage over others.
Having the client verify a result by visualizing future events where she is using her new change. This makes the change more permanent also.
General Process
A process that is aiming at any positive change that is available.
General Semantics
A subject developed by Alfred Korzybsky in the 1930s. It deals with the meaning of meaning and how people make sense out of the world.
Any system of stuff that appears to take on an existence of its own, beyond the sum of its parts. It can be addressed as a whole.
Gestalt Processing
Treating parts of the client or her reality as separate units that we can talk with and process individually.
How comfortable and connected one is wherever one is. How much one is facing the practical realities in front of one. How much one has one's legs planted on the solid ground, so to say.
A structure or hierarchy of Holons. An ordering of units of consciousness.
An aggregate of consciousness working in some fashion as one unit. It might consist of smaller units and it might be part of a bigger unit, but it has some kind of independent existence and purpose.
The use of progressive suggestions to bring a person into an altered state where suggestions of change can be given with minimal resistance.
Imagination Processing
Exercising one's flexibility in visualizing things and changing around one's internal perceptions.
The subjective experience and memory of an event. A distorted mental/emotional copy of an event.
Incident Clearing
Going through incidents that contain undesirable frozen reactions and transforming them into desirable resources.
Incongruent Responses or body language in disagreement. Different parts of the person tell different stories.
Wavering back and forth between alternatives without getting anything effectively completed.
Some phenomenon or behavior of the client that tells you how well it is going.
The failure to deal with random motion. The degree to which one is acting out fixed ideas from the past.
Whatever was split apart becomes whole again. Harmony and alignment is re-established.
The degree to which the client has her attention focused on resolving the issues being worked at in the session.
A subject or area of difficulty being worked on. Something the person would like to be more on top of.
Used about words on a list that each pinpoint a specific angle of a certain phenomenon. For example, unburdening or unblocking.
Energy that is locked up in the mind because something hasn't been dealt with.
An area that is associated with active non-optimum conditions is said to be loaded. A subject the person has trouble with which provides opportunity for positive change.
Any recurring action the facilitator operates with. Like, asking a question and getting an answer is a loop. Starting a subject, working on it, and completing it is a loop.
The practice of quiet contemplation. Usually done by an individual sitting down and working on emptying her mind and just being present.
Meta Program
Various distinctions in how different people work. Like, moving towards versus moving away from.
A loose term used about the collection of recordings, associations, perceptual filters, and communication systems that a being uses to interface with the external world.
Prepared collections of subjects, questions and procedures that systematically work through general areas that people might desire improvement in.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming
A subject developed in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. It deals with examining and changing the way people represent things for themselves.
A word that describes what is actually an ongoing process as a frozen "thing". E.g. "relationship" or "trust".
What the facilitator or the client is aiming for accomplishing with a process, a technique, a session, or anything else.
A technique is being done after it is no longer appropriate or effective.
Pace and Lead
Getting into rapport with a person and then helping them move to a different (hopefully better) state.
The route one follows to get somewhere better, towards spiritual fulfillment.
Perceptual Distinctions
Specific qualities and quantities within the perceptual systems. For example, in the visual system: color, brightness, clarity, 2D/3D, distance, etc.
Perceptual Processing
Discovering the exact perceptions that makes up a limited state and changing the controls of them to create a more empowered state with more choice.
Part of a whole split off from its counterpart(s). Frozen extremes that are in competition with their opposites.
Polarity Integration
Integrating split-off opposite parts of the person so that she no longer has internal conflicts in that area.
The state of being present. Having enough of one's free attention available so that one can deal effectively with what is going on here and now.
A datum that is assumed to be correct but that often isn't voiced explicitly or proven.
Primary Thought
A thought with creative power. Primary thoughts configure the person's reality. A thought not made as a response or change to anything else.
An issue or a loaded area being activated, worked over in some fashion, and brought to some resolution. It is what the client is going through. However, the word has also colloquially been used about specific prepared techniques.
Process Facilitator
A person using the basic principles of transformational processing to help other people improve their lives.
Bringing up areas where change is desirable and going through activities that change them for the better. Communication that direct a person's attention to areas of limitation and resolves them. This is probably the best word for what a facilitator is doing.
Two or more people being in sync. Getting along well and agreeing on what is currently going. Mirroring each other in some fashion and communicating. Understanding each other.
Clearing the unwanted feelings and reactions associated with traumatic incidents. Changing negative incidents into positive resources.
Automatic response triggered by a stimulus. A feeling or action responding to an outside influence. Particularly when the response is based on information from other times, rather than on what is actually going on.
Recursive Process
One or more questions, directions, or actions that are repeated over and over in order to bring up and run through all the available charge on a subject.
Changing the meaning of a thought, feeling, or statement for the better. Either by putting it into a different context or by changing the content of it.
The way one subjectively structures a reality in the mind. For example, one's idea of "work" might be a certain inter-connected collage of pictures and feelings.
Rearranging associations in one's reality. Changing by finding out what holons are associated with what and changing the associations.
Positive abilities, feelings, memories, qualities, and perceptions that the person can draw upon to live her life better.
The ability and willingness to admit that one is cause. The ability to respond as if one is in control
The degree to which one is able to tolerate and successfully interact with randomity of movement in an area without getting confused and trying to stop it.
Secondary Thought
An thought, idea, or reaction that attempts to change the original, primary, thought by lying about it.
Seed Question
A general question or subject that opens up a process.
Semantic Refers to meaning; how people make sense of the world around them. Often used about the contents and reactions of the mind as opposed to actual experience. Symbols, rather than perceptions.
Semantic Processing
Working with the way people relate to their world, and how they make sense of it. Changing one's representations of what things mean, in order to have a more optimum experience. Used about processing focusing on the mind, as opposed to focusing on the external environment.
Semantic Reaction
An automatic reaction based on the mentally constructed meaning of an event, rather than on the perception of the event itself.
The period of time where the process facilitator works with a client for the purpose of improving her condition.
Six-Step Reframing
A technique where the basic positive intention of a non-optimum phenomenon is contacted and given some more choices or outlets.
Soul Retrieval
Bringing back parts of the person that were lost or left somewhere else.
Space and time seen together as different dimensions of the same thing. The universe.
Specific Process
A process that aims at resolving a very specific complaint or issue.
Used either about an individual being, or about all spiritual energies together.
A slang term covering whatever it is we are handling. It is the issues of the client. For convenience we might refer to it kind of as a substance, even though it really isn't.
Sub-conscious Mind
The part of the mind that the person isn't consciously aware of, and that constitutes lower level circuitry. It is aware of itself and it handles a great many things for the person, including speech, breathing and memory.
Distinctions in the perceptual systems.
Super-conscious Mind
The part of the mind that has a bigger overview than the conscious mind of how things happen in the world and that interfaces with the inner mechanics of the external universe. The conscious mind is generally unaware of this.
Swish Pattern
A technique that replaces the PDs of a not desirable direction with the PDs of a desirable direction, thereby setting up a different automatic response.
A tool used by the facilitator. A system of principles, questions or actions that are intended to improve a certain class of situations.
Transformational Processing System. A framework of tools that a facilitator can use to help people with.
The person who helps the student through the practical drills and exercises. She will usually simulate the part of a client when she is not directly discussing the activity with the student.
When something is changing for the better.
Transformational Processing
A collection of useful principles and techniques and their application in helping people go through positive change.
Traumatic Incident
An event that contains more unpleasant action than she is able to process at the time. It gets frozen in the mind as a recording with stuck reaction patterns.
Trigger Incident
An incident providing a stimulus that activates a reaction pattern installed by a core incident. The trigger incident does not have to be traumatic in itself. It just contains a reminder of some sort.
A list of general keys used in dialoguing to free up a desire or ability, if more specific information is not available.
A list of general keys used in dialoguing to free up an issue, without having any more specific target.
Techniques used to free up fixed ideas and turn them into dynamic principles.
The existing subjective reality of an individual, including one's thoughts and feelings and one's perceptions of the environment. The world is created by how one perceives it.

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