Frozen Thought

One of the key objectives in processing is to free up what is stuck. We would mostly deal with stuck thoughts and stuck emotions. That is what we would call "loaded" areas; thought or emotion fixated in a non-optimum way. The lack of a flow causes a load or a charge to build up. We would want to change it to be moving again, instead of being fixed.

The universe is dynamic. Everything in it is continuously moving and changing. Nothing in it stays the same. If something is unmoving or stays the same it isn't in the universe.

In transformational processing we consider the inner core of the being to be static. That is, we assume that there is an immortal portion of the person that never got entangled in the physical universe and never will. That is the equivalent to the idea of a higher self. So, no matter what problems the incarnated portion of the person gets entangled in, we can always say that it isn't truly her. She can always distance herself from the entanglement and solve it. There is always the inner, static self that isn't aberrated at all and remains in perfect, integrated balance. So, we can say that you might be IN the physical universe, but you are not OF it.

Because beings instinctively have a certain affinity for the static perfection, they sometimes get confused and try to apply the idea to parts of the dynamic universe where it doesn't belong. That manifests as trying to freeze something that really was meant to move. The universe is ever-changing. Trying to pretend that it doesn't move easily leads to trouble. Just about any aberration is in that category; operating with a frozen idea instead of dealing with what is actually there.

In very simple terms, processing is about finding frozen stucknesses and making them move. A process is done when what was stuck is now moving.

Here are some examples of stucknesses and corresponding fluidities:

emotional reactions based on past incidents	   responding with emotions fitting the situation

fixed ideas	                                   perceiving what is there

right/wrong, two-valued logic	                   gradual scales, infinity-valued logic

nominalizations	                                   process verbs

identifications of self and others: "I am (lazy)"  specific distinctions about perceptions: "I feel tired right now "

Whenever the client insists that something IS a certain way, your red flags should go up. Certainly when it involves somebody being right and somebody else being wrong.

Also watch for any words that describe actions and processes as if they are THINGS. That is what we call nominalizations; what should be a verb has been made into a noun. "Relationship", "commitment", "trust", and "respect" are words like that. Really it is stuff one does. You are not going to find a "respect" anywhere, no matter where you look. It is a purely mental abstraction, and its definition varies greatly from person to person. That's why people get into aberrations when they think in nominalizations. If they can think in actions and processes then they can start acting instead of sitting worrying about it.

The thing is, any frozen idea about anything is almost always wrong. It is practical to regard physical objects as somewhat unchangeable, even though it isn't quite true. We can call a chair a "chair" and it is probably going to keep looking like a chair for a few years even though electrons are zipping in and out of it in the trillions. But when we talk about activities, processes, and feelings, then we are in a different ball game. They are per definition moving. If we assume that they aren't, we get in trouble much faster. So, it is fixed ideas about ongoing processes and emotions that we would target first and unfreeze.

Now before you go and eradicate all frozen ideas in the world, let's moderate this a little bit. Our target is the non-optimum situations, the frozen thoughts that aren't working. If they really serve the person well, leave them alone. See, frozen thoughts are also often the basis of motivation and success. The kind of thoughts one would choose to freeze to be successful would be stuff like: "I deserve to succeed", "Things will always work out for me", and some feelings of strong desire to produce results. Don't clear away stuff like that, unless it isn't working right. Of course also, the "good" fixed ideas are only going to work well if they are somewhat flexible principles the person applies, and not just blind robotism.

Aside from the specific actions you take as a process facilitator to find stuff to resolve, be aware of the educational aspects of what you do. It is desirable that the client learns to think and act with dynamic situations, that she thinks and feels fluidly rather than in stuck portions, and that she learns infinity-valued logic. Skills like that are promoted by effective clearing processes. However, you might want to keep an eye on the overall scene to make sure that she gets the point. Fit in some educational explanations when appropriate. Not evaluations about the client, but general information about the principles involved.

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