Sovereignty is the quality or authority of being independent and in charge of the conditions you live under.
Specifically the word is used here about legally and practically arranging your affairs in such a way that you ARE in charge of your life, that you are prepared for challenges to your freedom, and that you don't unwittingly sign yourself and your family away in virtual slavery.
Note that sovereignty carries with it responsibility. That is, if you take your life in your own hands you also take upon yourself to act responsibly and with integrity in regards to your own life, your family, your community, your fellow human beings and the planet as a whole.
4/24/2004: Note that this page has not been actively updated for a long time. Many of the links are unfortunately invalid now. However, it seems most useful to still keep it up, while we figure out a new format for keeping it current.
In short, the federal system in the U.S. is based on an assortment of frauds tricking people into giving up their rights as guaranteed in the Constitution. For one thing, the Constitution made clear that there should be no such thing as income tax. And indeed,you don't really have to pay tax. Income tax is voluntary. If you volunteer by signing in certain places, without knowing what the small print is, and you promise to pay tax, then and only then do you owe any tax.
Section 26 of the U.S. Code, which is the tax regulations, is not positive law. Meaning, it isn't really a law, but it used as such. At any rate, it only applies to employees of the government and residents of Washington D.C. And the 16th Amendment which supposedly introduced the income tax was never properly ratified. All income tax paid goes directly to the Federal Reserve Bank as a payment for the national debt. None of it goes to actually running the country. The Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned company. The I.R.S. is not part of the United States Treasury. The Treasury Secretary has never properly transferred any power to the Commissioner of the I.R.S.
One can void one's agreement to be a subject of the federal U.S. and instead reclaim one's sovereign rights as a citizen of the state one lives in. That puts one outside the jurisdiction of most aspects of the federal system.
There are many practical considerations and potential problems connected with doing such a thing, and it is very unadvisable to do casually or without full examination of the issues. However, it is indeed an option one can pursue if one is willing to do the required legal study to figure out the clever intricacies of the situation.
Citizen's Forum - public access TV show. Large file archive.
The Republic of Texas
The Nation of Hawai'i
Social Contract - the contract most Americans have signed with the federal government without knowing it.
Sanctuary Christian Resource Center - information about the Washitaw Nation.
Cascadian Resource Center - (ftp) more hard hitting factoids.
Solutions Group - untaxing.
War and Emergency Powers of the U.S. - The U.S. has been in a state of national emergency since 1933.
The Buck Act Story - by Richard McDonald. About a crucial, but little known law from the 1940s.
The Buck Act Video - a video about the Buck Act.
Frog Farm FAQ - (140K) lots of info and references on how to operate as a sovereign Citizen.
Steps to Sovereignty - quick and dirty overview by Paul Campbell.
Natural Law and Natural Rights by James A. Donald.
Frog Farm gopher site: /pub/Politics/FrogFarm
Newsgroup: alt.society.sovereign
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Offshore & Privacy Club:![]() |
Freedom - Conspiracy, Control & ?????.
American Dissident Voices
The Underground Review - news they don't want you to see.
A-albionic Research - (50+) Ruling class conspiracies.
The Conspiracy Pages (25+)
Newsgroup: alt.conspiracy
Desert Rat - (100+) UFOs, Area 51.
Department of Conspiracy - a humorous waste of time.
Preparedness Expo, Preparedness Journal
American Individual Magazine
The Gentle Survivalist - newsletter on holistic survival information.
Frugal Squirrel's Patriot and Survivalist Library
The Survivalist - preparing for emergencies.
Primitive living in Kentucky
Newsgroup: misc.survivalism
Newsgroup: rec.backcountry
This page is maintained by Flemming Funch. He picked the links, but he doesn't necessarily agree with everything you might find behind them.