Internet Relay Chat

IRC is a way of engaging in real-time chat with other people. It is much faster than web based chat forums.

You need an IRC program in order to do IRC chat. The most convenient is if it is a program that works with your web browser, like iChat, Global Chat, or Netscape Chat. If you don't have any of these, there are links here so you can download them.

One needs to connect with an IRC server, and these servers are inter-connected on different networks. As long as you are on the same network, you would be able to chat with people who connect through different servers that are closer or more convenient for them.

If you want to meet other NCN members, you could, for example, agree on a time and then connect with the server on the ncn channel. If your software is installed you should be able to do that by clicking on one of these links:

iChatGlobal Chat
irc.superlink.netncn ncn
irc2.superlink.netncn ncn

You should also be able to connect with other servers and channels here:


IRC Server:

IRC Channel:

There is a good Internet Relay Chat FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) at:


Past IRC chat transcripts

These are transcripts of scheduled meetings that happened earlier on IRC.

Chat Programs

Global Chat
IChat - plug-in
Netscape Chat