
We can divide life into domains of varying magnitude. Starting with one individual we can encompass wider and wider spheres of influence until we span the infinite totality of everything. You can visualize this as concentric circles. Each bigger circle contains the smaller circle and more. Such a division of life can be done in various ways. This is one useful scheme:

Personal domain - One individual person and everything that pertains to maintaining an individual existence. This includes one's body, one's name, one's belongings, one's personal interests and preferences.

Relationship domain - The interactions between two or more individuals close to each other. That includes friendships, marriages, family, but also temporary connections and interchanges between individuals.

Group domain - Several people associating to form group activities. That can be a company or club or cause, or any other association, permanent or temporary. A group takes on a life of its own, beyond the dynamics of the participating individuals.

Society domain - Larger groups of people co-exist in adjacent space to form societies. A society can consist of many diverse groups and interests. Together they more or less loosely form a national identity. A country is a society domain.

Global domain - A whole planetary system is a global domain. That includes societies and whatever else exists on a planetary sphere. This includes concern for ecology and whatever else is needed to manage co-existence of diverse groups and species within a closed system. Ours is planet Earth.

Stellar domain - Planets are part of solar systems. Encompassing a solar system involves the interaction between different planets, travel beyond one's planetary sphere, and concern for the life cycle of one's star. We are in the solar system of the Sun.

Galactic domain - Many star systems together form galaxies, which again have their own long-term creative cycles. Stars are born or die. Civilizations expand or decay. We are in the outskirts of a galaxy known as The Milky Way.

Universal domain - All of what exists in the same space-time continuum forms a universe. Even a universe has cycles, of expanding and contracting. Everything in it is in one way or another inter-related.

Dimensional domain - There are many alternate universes in different dimensions, existing at different vibratory frequencies. One can travel between them, or become aware of one's multi-dimensional existence amongst them. Together all these dimensions form what we could call the Omniverse.

Totality domain - The totality of all that exists, together with the creative potential for making anything whatsoever exist, that is the most wide-spanning domain. We can call it All-that-is. Where any other domain is limited or fragmented to a certain degree, Totality is by its nature whole and complete.

You can of course also start seeing this from the biggest domain first. Which is essentially more proper, but more foreign to the human perspective. We naturally start with the wholeness of Everything. Then we can divide it into different dimensions to keep things apart. Then we can focus on a particular universe of stuff. And within that on a certain family of material we can call a galaxy. And within that on the functioning of a stellar system. Well, to make it narrower, just one planetary unit. Under that we can divide things into different societies, consisting of different groups. Within each group we split it into different relations. And finally we can focus on one individual unit all by itself, one person. We could split it further, looking at what this individual consists of, but that is small enough for this purpose.

All of this is consciousness, by the way, if that isn't apparent. The domains span the scale from the infinite consciousness of All-that-is, Prime Source, or God, to the very focused and compartmentalized consciousness of an individual human.

For practical purposes, a client who comes in is most likely to be concerned with the first few domains, and the bigger ones might be very unreal. However, concerning oneself with all the domains, and learning to shift one's focus between them is a very valuable development. It really puts a problem in perspective when one examines it from the viewpoint of the next higher domain.

The description of these domains is a map that can be helpful in aligning different parts of one's existence with each other. They aren't really separate, that is just a helpful model to be able to focus on different parts of life. They are a tool for assisting the ability to shift focus, to chunk life into different sizes of chunks.

A balanced existence is accomplished by bringing these domains into alignment with each other. If what one does as an individual is in harmony with one's relationships, with the groups one is in, with society, and global needs, and so forth, all the way up to the totality of everything, then life is guaranteed to be much more happy. Trying to emphasize one of these at the expense of others will introduce the lie that they are separate, and life will work less well. Like, if you sacrifice your personal well-being for the sake of a relationship or a group, that is not going to work in the long run.


- Draw the domains on a big piece of paper as concentric circles. Label each one. Draw some of the contents you have in each domain.

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