Logic and Other Beliefs

Of the many 'systems' of belief there are some common threads which could be called arch-systems, or something. They are the ribs and girders of how one exists in a certain condition such as 'human'.

One is kinds of logic systems. A logic system defines how the parts of a system will go together rationally. Sequence, consequence, cause-and-effect, induction and deduction, are all parts of our logic system in the West. Other systems of logic may operate totally differently. It is useful to know that one's very system of logic is subject to review, un-creation, or change and is not somehow god-given or absolutely empirical. Pause and consider, for example, the fundamental statement of Western logic 'If p then q', essentially a Boolean statement which enables many manipulations of data to occur.

It is a core assumption in Western education that 'if...then' is a valid and basic logical proposition, and it has certain obvious proofs: for example, if there is gravity then objects will fall when released. Since this happens every time, the 'if-then' logic is substantiated. In fact to many it might seem to be absolute, ineluctable, an inescapable premise of any sort of consciousness at all. But iron bars do not a prison make, and an extensive investigation is called for to discover exactly WHY this particular control device is so popular and so persuasive. At the very least, the question needs to be asked. As a belief, 'if-then' seems to be part of one of the most fundamental systems in human makeup, the logic system.

Another such belief system is the control system. The belief in control systems states that certain things control other things: water puts out fire; money does or does not buy happiness; beauty controls divinity, or does not; justice draws all processes to their final resolution or does not; gravity controls all objects; steam power controls engines; economics or politics are the controlling factors of social change; etc. Perhaps the most important of these are those that reflect the individual willingness to be controlled by certain thoughts (I must make nice), certain emotions (I melt in front of patient exasperation like Mom's) or certain beliefs (I cannot do, say or think anything that will in any way detract from the mission of the Union of Benevolent Troglodytes to rescue Earth). These stale but irresistible recordings are like burned-n circuits defined by "control" ideas: anything from "Oh Shut UP" to "God is Watching" to "Nice girls don't..." can take on the weight of a major control circuit and bend the entire fabric of a life out of it's natural patterns.

To believe that one is subject to a controlling factor is to ensure one's own subordination to it, which can be self-defeating. Of course, some people prefer to be self-defeating, which makes it an oxymoron.

But the point is, you can learn a lot about your life by examining your beliefs about WHAT controls WHAT and WHO controls WHAT and WHOM.

A third core system is a preference system. Historically the widest known preference system in this community of beings is the survival system: history comes down on the side of that which best survives. Of course history itself is geared to focus on survival by its nature. But the point is that preference is a system of belief that governs aspects of life. In parts of the USA, preference is monitored by salt, sugar, and oils contacting the tongue: any activity is as good as it brings these about. Thus, fairs, movies, parties, and barbecue dinners are good, while formal meals or vegetarian diets are not. It is simply a matter of what preference system has been established. In other circles, sexual energy thrown into restimulation, or fear, or passion for conquest, is a preference. This defines markets and the various confusions about what is good survival. Cowboys (urban or not) prefer wide-open spaces and old pickup trucks, because in some way it tells them they are surviving well. The greatest compromise is to follow some path against your own preference system, which leads to justification, rationalization, self-diminution and degradation, etc. One of the most deep-rooted preference systems is the preference for harmony over chaos. It is so fundamental that it can be mistaken for a given of existence itself. Consciousness, however, is perfectly capable of appreciating the peculiar harmonies OF chaos for their own beauty, or considering certain kinds of harmony to be anathema.

Beauty systems are a subset of preference systems. Under control systems you could also put the notion of source systems (what acceptable sources exist, for what conditions? Who IS an authority? Under what circumstances might I allow myself to think the thought 'Z'. Who MUST I pay, and for what, for having been the source of WHAT condition?)

Between these three -- logic, control and preference -- you could describe the world logically, if you so preferred. Or you could bring it under a more logical kind of control, if you were beautiful enough. And you are.

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